SEX Knowledge is treasure for wise man.

Known as autoeroticism, solitary sexual activity is relatively safe. Masturbation, the simple act of stimulating one's own genitalia, is safe so long as contact is not made with other people's bodily fluids. Some activities, such as "phone sex" and "cybersex", that allow for partners to engage in sexual activity without being in the same room, eliminate the risks involved with exchanging bodily fluids.

attraction to their partner's penis

Penis worship generally describes a sexual obsession of a woman/man with the penis and/or anus of their dominant male partner; or any type of sexual game in which a submissive is motivated by a real or pretended attraction to their partner's penis -

Although many erect penises point upwards

Although many erect penises point upwards (see illustration), it is common and normal for the erect penis to point nearly vertically upwards or nearly vertically downwards or even horizontally straight forward, all depending on the tension of the suspensory ligament that holds it in position -

I love my penis

The human penis is made up of three columns of tissue: two corpora cavernosa lie next to each other on the dorsal side and one corpus spongiosum lies between them on the ventral side -

The average menstrual cycle is 28 to 32 days

The average menstrual cycle is 28 to 32 days. Some women have longer or shorter cycles, so the exact timing of ovulation can vary. Here an overview of a typical 28-day menstrual cycle -

Indian save sex

Shouldn't safe sex be defined as to include pregnancy prevention? -

Male masturbation doesn't have to always be a quick affair

Male masturbation How To Masturbate for Men

Masturbation is considered by many to be the cornerstone of sexual health. Most men believe that they already know everything about their own genitals and sexual response. It’s all out there, boys will be boys, etc. But just because you know how your tools work, doesn’t mean you can build the Eiffel Tower. In fact most men experience a fraction of their full erotic and orgasmic potential. Read on for simple and fun tips on how to masturbate for men.
Time Required: Male masturbation doesn't have to always be a "quick affair". Take your time and enjoy.

Here's How:

Make time for more than a quickie.
Most guys first learn to masturbate in secret and furtive ways. They do it quickly and need to figure out what to do with the evidence afterward. This can create a powerful pattern of masturbating quickly, without paying attention to where your sexual arousal can take you. To start exploring something different, make sure you have some extended time and privacy for yourself, where you aren’t trying to finish quick before someone interrupts.

Turn off the porn (just for a while) and tune into your body.
Not everyone likes porn, but a lot of guys do, and while porn can be great, it also takes you out of your body a bit with the fantasy. This can distract you from what’s actually happening in your body. You don’t need to throw the porn away, but for a few times, masturbate without porn, and objectify yourself for a change!

Do through.

Bad pun aside, it’s a good idea to try the above suggestions, and then just masturbate as you normally would. As you do this pay attention: Changes in your breathing: Does it become shallow and quick, slower and deeper?

Changes in your body: is there tension in some places, and relaxation in others? Is this the same every time you masturbate?

How does it feel just before you have an orgasm?

How does it feel as you orgasm, and immediately post-orgasm?
Changes in your breathing: Does it become shallow and quick, slower and deeper?

Changes in your body: is there tension in some places, and relaxation in others? Is this the same every time you masturbate?
How does it feel just before you have an orgasm?
How does it feel as you orgasm, and immediately post-orgasm?

Time to switch it up.

Men learn early in their lives the most effective way to get themselves off. And most never waver from the utilitarian approach to self love. But sex is less like a well oiled machine, and more like a chaotic food fair, where there is an endless selection of ways to satisfy your appetites. So it’s time to throw a wrench in the works and shake up your routine. Try any combination of the following suggestions:


Does your left hand know what your right hand is doing? Do you always use the same one hand to masturbate? Most guys do. If you’re among them, start with the simple tip of switching hands. It can feel strange at first, the rhythm might be off, it’s almost like sex with someone new for the first time. Enjoy the newness, and see if a new hand can teach an old hand some tricks.

Experiment with positions.

If you aren’t an experimental type, it’s time to start. If you’re used to masturbating lying down on your back, try sitting up. If you normally sit in a chair, try standing, or kneeling. As with all these changes, this might feel ridiculous at first, and you’ll probably go back to old faithful, but see what masturbation feels like in different positions, and notice if it brings with it any new sensations.

Get your hips moving.

The way your body moves when you masturbate is probably very different from the way it moves when you’re having sex with someone else. Many men don’t move at all when they masturbate. Try to move your hips when you masturbate, simulating the thrusting of intercourse. Notice how moving your hips in different ways can bring you closer to, and at times take you farther away from, the point of orgasm.

Use different hand strokes.

Most men learn early on that a vigorous stroke does the trick. This intense up and down stimulation usually ends in a good orgasm. But there are dozens of other strokes that each bring with them different sensations, and different orgasms. Roll your penis in between your hands, moving your hands up and down your shaft. Try using long twisting strokes instead of just up and down. Experiment with different movements, pressures, and speeds.

Explore your shaft.

While most of the nerve endings on the penis are at the head, and specifically the frenulum, many men will have spots on their shaft that are unusually sensitive. Try putting one hand at the base of your penis and press it towards your body while experimenting with different hand strokes along the shaft of your penis. Treat this like a treasure hunt, and try to feel the difference between one side and the other, between stimulation near the base and up near the tip.

Reach around, yourself.

For many men the balls (testicles) are a very sensitive area that responds well to feelings of touch and pressure. Take your forefinger and thumb and make them in a circle at the top of your scrotum. Gently tug on your scrotum as you're masturbating. This is both a way to prevent you from ejaculating and a way to extend sexual feelings in your body. Experiment with other kinds of touch including tickling, scratching, and rubbing.

Check out the neighborhood.

While the penis and scrotum tend to be the epicenter of masturbatory attention, if you’re looking to open things up a bit, be sure to take a tour of some other nearby areas. The perineum, the area between the scrotum and anus, is very sensitive to pressure and massage, and rubbing it provides external prostate stimulation. Speaking of which, don’t be afraid to explore the anus, both externally and by using a finger for penetration.

Bring it all together.

Not everything you try is going to do it for you, but the idea behind the above tips is to try lots of different things, and then incorporate whatever you like into the ways you regularly masturbate. Maybe it’s a different stroke, or position, or breathing technique. Obviously there is no one, correct way to masturbate, and even if you’ve got something that works for you, consider the fact that there could be more out there if you experiment with it.


Another myth about male masturbation is that you shouldn’t use anything other than you hand. While your hand might be doing the trick, adding some accessories can make the stimulation even more intense, and inspire more creativity with yourself, and with partners.
Get a good quality personal lubricant . If it’s only for masturbation you can use something that’s oil based without worrying about condom compatibility. Oil based products are better because they won’t dry up.
Add a sex toy into the mix. It might be a vibrator, a dildo, or a cock ring (if you’ve never tried one I recommend trying one on your own before you use it with a partner). Sex toys can add a completely new kind of stimulation, and accentuate the manual stimulation you're doing.

Tips: Try new for better sex

Better sex tips
Try a new place

Sex in a new locale is definitely up there in exciting things to do for better sex.  You can take a drive somewhere secluded where you can get a bit risqué. simply move to a different room or area in your home -- or even someone else’s home.  Whatever tickles your fancy. There are a million and one different places to have sex other than your home, in your bed -- use them.

Use a cock ring

Cock rings slow the drain of blood out of your erection, and keep you harder for longer.  A very hard penis stimulates a woman’s insides slightly differently -- and much better -- than one that is getting soft around the edges. Cock rings are inexpensive and usually nice to look at, and make an interesting male sex toy to add to your collection. Cock rings ensure that you can maintain the pace without faltering for better sex. This is very pleasing to your lady friend.

New position of sex
Try a new position

You already know how to bring her to orgasm in two ways (probably). You repeat these regularly because they work -- there's no harm in that. However, if you never, ever try any new positions again, how will you ever know? New positions need a reasonably high level of arousal in your lover, so choose your time to strike a new pose when she is quite obviously feeling very randy.

Tell her your fantasies

Talking about your fantasies with your partner is a very conducive form of sex play. It increases communication with your partner, which is of great importance, as well, it also helps you get to know each other better for better sex. Yes, you may be surprised by what comes out of her mouth, but this works both ways. Keep it light at first and don’t throw her in the deep end with fantasies about people you both know or reveal fetishes you aren't sure about. Sit back with a glass of wine and keep your clothes on -- for now. Fantasy play can also be incorporated into a game for better sex. Use your imagination, and keep it sexy. Take it in turns and see where it leads you.

Have her dress up

Pretending to be something you're not comes easily to some people. However, it has its benefits when done for fun. Stepping out of the role of being "yourself" can be a fun way to give each other permission to behave differently for better sex. Playing the role of someone else during sexual play is a very enjoyable way to give your partner some different sensations, and try things that you haven’t done before. Role playing is a great way to have better sex and to have fun with your partner in a light-hearted but sexy way. It is often the woman who does the dressing up simply because A) They enjoy it; and B) They have the resources of clothes, underwear and makeup -- but don't forget that you can play too..

Give her instructions

After a while you may think you know how to please your partner in every way, but this is very rarely true. There is always something you haven’t tried, and there is bound to be something one of you always does that could be done differently.
To combat this for better sex, have a lesson session in which you don’t think you know it all, and are at each other's mercy as teacher. Talk about things you haven’t tried, but would like to, then choose one suggestion from each partner, and get down and dirty. We often get caught thinking we know what our partners like, and after a while it becomes "the way it’s done." Lose this myth and put yourself in the student's chair for a while for better sex you won't regret.

Make sex more comfortable for women

Big Penis
Undeterred, I continued to have sex with the Anaconda, as I call him, and as a result continued to bleed here and there. It was all fine and dandy until one day he thought it would be a great idea to spring anal sex on me. In most circumstances, I’m a big fan of surprises. But “Surprise! My dick is in your ass!” is not one of them. I screamed in pain and told him in no uncertain terms to get the hell off of me.

It didn’t get any better when it came to oral sex. The first time I went downtown, I could barely fit it in my mouth, causing me to accidentally graze his member with my teeth. After a little practice, I finally got it under control, but easy it was not. Still, his larger-than-life penis was not as bad as some of the others my friends have encountered. Some of my girlfriends have experienced penises so enormous they could only allow half of it inside before yelping in pain. It’s like going to a buffet and being unable to eat.

So what’s a guy to do when he has a big penis? Alas, unlike boobs, there is no way to make it smaller or larger (although I sure wish there was).

But there are things that man with big penises can do to make sex more comfortable for women.

What is Sexual Intelligence

Sexual Intelligence

What's "Normal" Between The Sheets?

Here’s what’s “normal”: adults have sex primarily when they’re tired. This shapes the quality, content, and frequency of the experience. Most adults save their “prime time” for things that are either more important (raising their kids, working after hours, maintaining their health, handling crises) or more reliably satisfying (watching TV, going out, sharing hobbies, playing around on Facebook).

Not having much energy is one aspect of “normal sex” that most people don’t want. But many adults seem to believe that most sex will inevitably take place when they’re not at their best, without considering the consequences of this kind of sex life -- that it may become routine, not involve much time, lose its playfulness, and that using contraception or a lubricant may seem like too much trouble.

If we think of “normal” as common, typical, and accepted as “the way things are,” this is what “normal sex” actually looks like:

• Awkwardness and self-consciousness are common.
• Communication is limited.
• Neither partner laughs or smiles much.
• One or both partners are obsessively concerned about performance.
• One or both are unsure what their partner likes.
• One or both tolerate what they dislike, hoping that it will stop soon.
• Masturbation is kept secret.
• There’s difficulty using birth control without embarrassment or conflict.
• Desire requires a perfect environment.
• Sex is sometimes physically painful.
• He believes that “her orgasm problem reflects on me.”
• She believes that “his erection problem reflects on me.”

Also, whether young or old, gay or straight, male or female, when American adults have sex, they frequently:

• Are self-conscious or self-critical about their body
• Don’t feel as close to their partner as they’d like
• Don’t feel confident that they’re going to have a good time (which is why they don’t do it more frequently)
• Are concerned about performance -- either their own or their partner’s
• Feel inhibited about communicating what theywant, don’t want, feel, or don’t feel

Health problems are also frequently part of “normal” sex -- because normal people have health problems.

So, are you starting to look pretty “normal”? Are you starting to realize this might not be the right goal?

I want to change things for you -- and not by improving your “sexual function.” This book isn’t literary Viagra. It’s more like literary brain surgery (sorry, no tummy tuck, boob job, or hair implants, just brain surgery).

The awkwardness and emotional isolation described above are what most people get when they try to have “normal” sex. And that’s why your vision of sex matters. So let’s spend the rest of the chapter exploring why it’s not important to be sexually “normal” and why, in fact, pursuing “normal” sex is often destructive.

Of course, by “normal” sex most people don’t mean the reality I’ve just described, but a romanticized vision of perfect performance, perfect environment, and nothing too novel or psychologically challenging. The only thing normal about that kind of sex is the fact that so many people aspire to it, and so few people have it. (And here’s a secret every sex therapist knows: even when people get this kind of sex, they’re not necessarily satisfied with it.)

So if, like so many other people, you’ve been pursuing the wrong thing (“normal” sex), you need a new way to think about sex. Although most people assume it’s logical to have a performance orientation (how many times per week, how many minutes before orgasm), that’s only one way to look at sex. And it’s exactly the 
wrong way.

Early Ejaculation

What To Do After You Finish Too Quickly

It happens to the best of men. You’re with a girl and it’s feeling good -- really good. All of sudden, way too good. Before you know it, you’ve concluded your business and you’ve barely made it past the one-minute mark. As she stares quizzically into your eyes, you have a split second to decide what to do about your early ejaculation. Should you try to play it off with a joke or genuinely apologize? Here are the dos and don'ts of how to react. 

Laugh it off

Trying to casually make a joke of the situation is a valid reaction. If you can get her to laugh about it with you, then it will just be an amusing hiccup in an otherwise pleasurable evening. Take a break, have a good laugh and then try again. If she does not find it funny, you have two options: 1) skip to “distracting her” or 2) find yourself a girl who’s not so uptight.


Sure, you could apologize for your premature ending. It’s a fine option as long as you don’t grovel. A quick “sorry” wouldn’t hurt, but don’t dwell on it. It really doesn’t require a solemn declaration of regret. The only thing you’d really have to be sorry for is leaving her unsatisfied after your quick orgasm.


Grown men should not pout. It is not becoming at the best of times, and it is certainly not appropriate on the occasion of early ejaculation. Be a man, suck it up and try again. It may be disheartening, but acting like a petulant two-year-old will guarantee that you don’t get a second chance. Extra douchebag points if you manage to directly or indirectly make her feel like your early ejaculation was her fault.


Do not panic. In the event of an unexpected climax, resist the urge to flee the room in shame. Stay calm and try to act like it’s not a big deal. She’ll still be out there when you’re finished hiding in the bathroom, and your freak-out will just make things more awkward when you finally chill out.

Try to explain

The phrase “this never happens to me” should not escape your mouth in this situation. She probably won’t believe it despite your insistence on the rarity of the occurrence. In fact, she might even think you doth protest too much. Believe it or not, women are aware that it happens every once in a while. She doesn’t need an explanation.

Fake like it didn’t happen

Faking an orgasm is one thing, but faking not having an orgasm is probably even harder. There is evidence left behind after all. So don’t try to pretend it didn’t happen; just act like it didn’t. Instead of pausing to acknowledge it, just move on and keep the pleasure going by other means. Your penis does not have to be directly involved for sex to continue.

Distract her

The best possible reaction to a early ejaculation on your part is to focus your attention on her pleasure, thereby distracting her from the fact that you’re already finished. If you’re using your mouth, hands, play her G-Spot or sex toys to please her, she won’t care when you had your orgasm.

Try, try again

No matter which of these reactions come to you at the moment of your untimely orgasm, you can save the situation by getting yourself together and starting from the beginning. If you can’t manage to get it up a second time, make sure she is happy for the night by using the other means at your disposal and giving her a repeat performance in the morning, which will be sure to last longer than the first.

How to Find Her G-Spot

How to Find Her G-Spot
Nobody goes to the G-spot anymore. It's a total Clit and Rectal crowd. Everyone's going to the Cul-de-Sac now. It's actually called the Vaginal Fornix, but no one calls it that. It's that place where the vagina dead-ends, sort of, like, behind the cervix. Like, if you were going to the cervix

But you kept going around the back? You can't see it unless the uterus is raised, like, turned on. It's supposed to be hard to get in. Maybe for you. I mean, guys have to be at least average size. There's a password: butterfly, like, the position where the girl has her legs all the way up, and then she has to suck in right as she's coming. That's what Barbara Keesling from Cal State Fullerton says. She wrote Super Sexual Orgasm Discover the Ultimate Pleasure Spot The Cul-de-Sac. She's all, "It's called light-socket sex... Seriously, you get the fireworks sensation of the lights behind your eyes. You get unusual sensations in your retina that we would call, like, fireworks. 

You get shooting colors. And it also makes you weak in the knees when you go to stand up afterward. And it also gives you a kind of uhhh, uhhh panting type of sensation." And I was all, "No way," and then she was like, "Penetration in the cul-de-sac goes to the spinal cord on a different nerve than the G-spot or the clitoris." But I talked to this doctor guy? 

Dr. Orlandis Wells OB-GYN? He was all, "Yes and no. Every woman's sensitivity spot is different. The G-spot and the cul-de-sac are often painful for some women who enjoy the labia stimulation better." And I was like, "Who said anything about the labia?" Gross!